"The Man Spot"

"The Man Spot"

Holy balls we had a visitor (Travis Miller of Milller Tactical) who brought in another visitor to the shop! ! His name is Vaughn but you might already know him as "The Man Spot". The Most Interesting Man in the World holds no candle to this guy! He's become a social media icon and boasts a whopping 50k+ followers on Instagram. This man is the patriot of patriots and oozes the phrase "I don't give a fuck!" We love it!

If you're not following this man-god and his amazing family featuring his gorgeous wife and kid "Mr. Littles", you're missing out on the opportunity for some true American Patriotism as well as a good laugh! 

Why'd he come in though? It seems Mr. Awesome wants to be more awesome by owning an originally designed BlackGuard Customs product. I do believe a "Man Spot" buckle and axe are in order here.....and I do mean order because it's already in the design stages. Stay tuned to see what come out of the genius minds of these two crazy guys when BlackGuard teams up with the original "Man Spot". 

Look, Him, Up! You will not regret it!


  • AnotherCuriousServiceMember

    I also wonder if this guy ever served. Not that it matters.

  • AmericanPatriot

    He is not all about product placement. He is all about patriotism and the inspiration of patriotism. He does promote products from time to time, but that’s how he provides for his family: by promoting his business interests. The Manspot loves this country (more than most) and that’s what matters.

  • anotherservicemember

    he has not. he is all about product placement. simply an entertainer and a poor one at that

  • CuriousServiceMember

    Has this guy ever served?

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